Calling all parents of school-aged children!
This program is designed to help your child cope with anxiety.
My son cries on Monday mornings when he has to go back to school.
I don’t want my own anxiety to affect my child.
My high functioning student can’t think clearly. She feels “in a fog”, not herself, and she has negative thoughts about herself that something is “wrong” with her.
You are not alone.
Your child is not alone.
In all of my 30 years working in the mental health field, I have never experienced so many people coming to me for help with anxiety. Acquaintance, friends, potential clients.
Anxiety is at an all time high. The good news is, there is something you can do about it. For your child, AND for yourself.
It’s time to deal with anxiety and live your best life. For your child, AND for you.
You may not have addressed your child’s anxiety because you thought it was just a phase.
You may not have addressed your child’s anxiety before because you didn’t know where to turn.
You may not have addressed anxiety before because you thought it was too expensive.
You may not have addressed anxiety before because you thought it was too time consuming.
You may not have addressed anxiety before because the therapist who's in-network with your insurance has a three month waiting list.
You may not have addressed anxiety before because you’re too busy.
I’ve addressed those barriers and come up with a solution.
- Now you know where to turn. I’m here for you!
- It’s more affordable – it’s much less than the cost of working with me 1:1.
- It’s for 30 days so you don’t feel overwhelmed with a time commitment. (Only 30 days, but benefits last a lifetime).
- It’s accessible whenever you like! You view in the comfort of your own home, any time as you like, as often as you like. The material is yours to keep!
- You’re not “too busy” for this! It’s delivered in very short videos that you have time for every day, and downloadable material (and you get to KEEP it)!
I’ve been working in mental health for 30 years. I’ve been helping people with anxiety as a licensed psychologist for 22 years. I’ve lived it, I’ve breathed it, and I’ve created this 30-day program to share this education and methods with you. So your child benefits. So you benefit. So your family benefits.
I’m inviting you into my 30-Day Anxiety Relief Program.
This program is tailored for the parent to receive the material, and then you teach your child the simple method in ways that work for you. OR, you watch together. (I recommend that you watch by yourself FIRST, before deciding if you want your child to watch that video). And the great part it, this stuff works for YOU, too!
You may not have addressed your child’s anxiety before because you thought it would go away. But it didn’t go away.
PLEASE have compassion for yourself.
Unfortunately, many things that people do to cope with anxiety only fuel the anxiety. We typically aren’t taught what to do! And the way our brains work, often we end up doing things that only make it worse. We go over what not to do in the program too!
The great part – it’s SIMPLE, and it’s EFFECTIVE!
In my 22 years as a psychologist, I’ve helped thousands of people.
And I’ve listened.
I’ve heard you.
So many of you have reached out to me asking for help for anxiety for yourself, your child, a student of yours, or a friend’s child.
So I’ve come up with something NEW to help you change it all:
“My child’s anxiety is so overwhelming. It’s hard for her to imagine feeling better.”
“Negative thoughts bring him down. He says them over, and over, and over. He feels like the only one struggling. It breaks my heart when he asks me, “What’s wrong with me?”
“She feels so inadequate. She thinks that everyone else has it together.”
“I see him numbing himself and stuffing feelings to cope. He seems to have lost sense of joy. Will he ever experience joy again?”
"He’s having panic attacks and worries that he’ll have one in school."
“I love my kids, and I feel inadequate and guilty as their mom that I can’t fix this.”
“My daughter can’t sleep! She keeps coming to my bedroom saying she has a stomachache or feels sick. Then we all wake up tired and feel even worse.”
I hear you. I understand you. And I can help.
This 30-Day Anxiety Relief program will teach you and your child simple tools to help prevent anxiety, to minimize the frequency and duration of episodes, and simply to feel better and more in control.
The scientist-psychologist in me just LOVES that this is backed by research. LOTS of research.
I'd love to teach you more about addressing anxiety and apply it to your child’s life. And these methods work with adults too! ALL family members can benefit from this program.
The 30-Day Anxiety Relief program provides you a better understanding of what is happening in the brain and body when we experience anxiety with simple methods to feel better!
These methods are not just for now. This program includes knowledge and skills to last a lifetime!
- Simple steps to forever change how you view anxiety.
- Go from “I can’t handle this!” to “I got this!”
- Learn how a simple two minute method can change everything.
- Enjoy the simple joys and pleasures in life.
- Teach your brain to work for you instead of against you.
- Shut off those awful “what if” thoughts that keep you awake at night.
- Forever change how you view coping with problems so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
- Learn how sometimes your brain works against you, what not to do, and what you can do about it.
For you AND your child. For you AND your family!
BONUS!!! An Anxiety Relief Bracelet! My gift to you - $42 value. This is a wearable reminder for your child to practice the methods and provide comfort while at school.
There is a way to feel better.
I know it - I discovered many of these methods on my worst days. They worked, so I simply kept doing them! Many methods made it into my recently published book: FEELING Good: 35 Proven Ways to Happiness, Even During Tough Times.
I’ve lived it - I practice these methods every single day. (Not ALL of them in a single day!)
I’ve researched it - that's my job as a psychologist. Psychologists are held to a really high standard. I love that about being a psychologist!
I’ve helped hundreds of people experience less anxiety and more joy!
I LOVE what I do. I want to share that with you.
This program is quite simple. You watch a daily short video lesson from me in the morning, along with a downloadable, printable “growsheet” to apply the knowledge/principle/idea to your child’s life - to start feeling better immediately.
There are 2 ways to do the program: 1) You view the video and then share and practice with your child, or 2) You and your child view the video together, AFTER you have watched by yourself first. It's up to you. If you decide to watch together, I recommend watching by yourself FIRST - just to make sure that the way I present it is in a way you'd like your child to hear it, or if you'd like to modify it for your child's specific needs/stage of development.
$179 to transform your child's life.
Although some of the material is about returning to school, the methods are all related to coping with anxiety and are transferable to different settings throughout life!